Understand our price
In Nutraceuticals, price honesty is delicate to evaluate because it is necessary to apprehend two elements:
- The number
of actors between the producer of ingredients and you, The effectiveness of the selected ingredients.
The actors of the chain
"Cutting out the middlemen": the magic phrase for start-ups?
Today, there are many websites that use and abuse the magic phrase: "We cut out the middlemen to offer you a better price!" with often, as a bonus, this beautiful drawing to convince you:

Raw materials
Organic shops - GMS

Raw materials
In the real life of NUTRI & CO...
In reality, these young shoots of digital do not have the necessary size to "cut out the middlemen". If it's true that they do not need physical retailers, they are careful not to advertise their show purchases to the major traffic hubs that are Google and Facebook.
At the end, in our industry, the real design of a start-up chain should probably look more like this, and where each actor has his role:

Raw materials
material quantizer
Organic shops - GMS

Raw materials
Google & Facebook
material quantizer
You will have understood that, on paper, digital start-ups (to which we belong) and physical network companies have roughly the same number of intermediaries and therefore a similar ingredient price and interlocutor equivalent.
But what is an interlocutor?
An interlocutor is an actor in the chain with whom the company will negotiate its prices. At Nutri&Co, thanks to your trust, we have sufficient volumes to talk directly with the ingredient producers. This allows us to check that the successive intermediaries do not take excessive margins in passing.
How can we prove this to you? On each product page, you will find an interactive map giving not only the geographical origin of the ingredients, but also the name of their producer. Here is the example for our magnesium:

B6 accompanies magnesium in all its chemical reactions.
Liège, Belgium
Small patented molecule with exceptional assimilation!
Pisa, Italy
Alesco has an unparalleled mastery of liposomal technology in Europe.
Occitania, France
A reference in nutraceutical processing, certified ISO 22000 and Bio.
Missouri, USA
Molecule known for its high assimilation and digestive tolerance.
Strasbourg, France
Considered to be the most qualitative capsule manufacturer in the world.
The effectiveness of ingredients
In Nutra, all ingredients are not the same
And this is what complicates things for a novice since each ingredient has its own technical specificities that will make it an effective active ingredient or not. At Nutri&Co, our first obsession is to select the highest quality ingredients.
Take the magnesium as an example
Magnesium is an ion that needs to be grafted to another molecule to be stabilized and pass from the intestine into the bloodstream. Depending on the molecule used, this new set of ions, called a salt, is more or less effective.
In this table, you can see that we use salts on average 4 times more expensive than the others. Such a difference is justified by the higher absorption of the active ingredients we select as well as their digestive comfort1,2.
Compare us to others!
The only problem is that at Nutri&Co, we are often the first to use the ingredients in our formulas. So how can we verify our honesty?
In this last table, we compare the price of our current magnesium formula to what it would have been if we had chosen less effective salts:
With all these elements, you are able to make your own comparisons and evaluate if our price seems fair to you.
Don't hesitate to ask us your questions!
1: Article on the sea magnesium - see the article
2: Brilli, E.; Khadge, S.; Fabiano, A.; Zambito, Y.; Williams, T.; Tarantino, G. Biovailability of Sucrosomial® magnesium vs. standard formulations. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2018, 22, 1843–1851.
In Nutraceuticals, price honesty is delicate to evaluate because it is necessary to apprehend two elements:
- The number
of actors between the producer of ingredients and you, The effectiveness of the selected ingredients.
The actors of the chain
"Cut out the middlemen": the magic phrase for start-ups?
Today, there are many websites that use and abuse the magic phrase: "We cut out the middlemen to offer you a better price !" with often, as a bonus, this beautiful drawing to convince you :

Raw materials

Organic shops - GMS

Raw materials
In the real life of NUTRI & CO...
In reality, these digital sprouts are not big enough to "cut out the middlemen". If it's true that they do not need physical retailers, they are careful not to announce their show purchases at the major traffic crossroads that are Google and Facebook.
At the end, in our industry, the real design of the chain of a start-up should probably look more like this, and where each actor has his role:

Raw materials

Organic shops - GMS

Raw materials
material quantizer

Google & Facebook
You will have understood that, on paper, digital start-ups (to which we belong) and physical network companies have roughly the same number of intermediaries and therefore a similar ingredient price and interlocutor equivalent.
But what is an interlocutor?
An interlocutor is an actor in the chain with whom the company will negotiate its prices. At Nutri&Co, thanks to your trust, we benefit from sufficient volumes to to discuss directly with ingredient producers. This allows us to check that the successive intermediaries do not take excessive margins in passing.
How can we prove this to you? On each product page, you will find an interactive map giving not only the geographical origin of the ingredients, but also the name of their producer. Here is the example for our magnesium:

B6 accompagnies magnesium in all its chemical's reactions.
Liège, Belgium
Small patented molecule with exceptional assimilation!
Pisa, Italy
Alesco has an unparalleled mastery of liposomal technology in Europe.
Occitania, France
A reference in nutraceutical processing, certified ISO 22000 and Bio.
Missouri, USA
Molecule known for its high assimilation and digestive tolerance.
Strasbourg, France
Considered to be the most qualitative capsule manufacturer in the world.
The efficiency of the ingrédients
In Nutra, not all ingredients are the same
And this is what complicates things for a novice since each ingredient has its own technical specificities that will make it an effective active or not. At Nutri&Co, our first obsession is to select the highest quality ingredients.
Take magnesium as an example
Magnesium is an ion that needs to be grafted to another molecule to be stabilized and pass from the intestine into the bloodstream. Depending on the molecule used, this new combination, called a salt, is more or less effective.
Compare us to others!
The only problem is that at Nutri&Co, we are often the first to use the ingredients in our formulas. So how can we verify our honesty? In this last table, we compare the price of our current magnesium formula to what it would have been if we had chosen less effective salts:
With all these elements, you are able to make your own comparisons and evaluate if our price seems fair to you.
Don't hesitate to ask us your questions!
1: Article on the sea magnesium - read the article
2: Brilli, E.; Khadge, S.; Fabiano, A.; Zambito, Y.; Williams, T.; Tarantino, G. Biovailability of Sucrosomial® magnesium vs. standard formulations. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2018, 22, 1843–1851.