Made in France
Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
  • Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co
Organic and Vegan Protein - Nutri&Co

Today, many of us want to limit our consumption of animal proteins. If plant alternatives emerge, it remains difficult to integrate them into our daily lives.

Rather than yet another formula with a record protein content, our Vegetable and Organic Protein focuses on taste pleasure and nutritional balance, including a full aminogram and B12. View more

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