It’s difficult toobtain pleasant-tasting collagen without adding sugar! With our partner Nutrisun©, we have succeeded informulating these formulas which hide the taste of marine collagen as much as possible, even when simplymixed with water.
It’s difficult to obtain pleasant-tasting collagen without adding sugar!With our partner Nutrisun©, we have succeeded in formulating these formulas which hide the taste of marinecollagen as much as possible, even when simply mixed with water.
- Jetlag& Sommeil
Melatonin : The sleep hormone
Our frenetic rhythms of life make our biological clock and our day/night phases see all the colors. In question, melatonin, or “sleep hormone” that our body naturally secretes to find sleep. When its secretion is delayed or diminished, sleep onset disorders appear and can set in. So to fall into the arms of Morpheus without having to count sheep, Nutraceuticals provides a gentle and effective solution, without addiction or addiction.
Practicality fast action and adjustable dosage
A sleep formula that contains melatonin must be able to offer an adaptable dosage and rapid action. This is why we have chosen a liquid form with a natural vanilla flavor, in a bottle with a practical and easy-to-use pipette and which delivers 1.9mg of melatonin in 4 drops, to be taken 30 minutes before bedtime. The drop format also allows sublingual absorption and great rapidity of action.
No sleep without relaxation
If melatonin is an essential part of Nutra formulas for sleep, it is interesting to combine it with ingredients recognized for their benefits on relaxation. To promote falling asleep and peaceful sleep, we have opted for plant extracts with soothing properties such as lemon balm, valerian and passionflower.
Melatonin is the sleep hormone, it is known for its beneficial effects on falling asleep. Lemon balm, valerian and passionflower are also known for their many benefits on sleep quality and relaxation.
melatonin :
- helps reduce sleep time
- helps reduce the effects of jet lag.
Lemon balm :
- Helps maintain a positive mood and good cognitive functioning.
- Promotes optimal relaxation.
- Helps promote relaxation and mental and physical well-being.
- Helps maintain good sleep.
What to expect from a good food supplement for sleep?
Melatonin seems to be, to date, the best ingredient to improve sleep onset time and promote sleep. This hormone, also called the sleep hormone, regulates our day/night cycles. It has been proven that a deficit in the production of melatonin by our body can be the cause of sleep disorders. Melatonin supplementation can make it easier to fall asleep and a dosage of 1.9mg is recognized for its effectiveness. 4 drops of our Melatonin helps to anticipate, 30 minutes before bedtime, to promote good sleep. Melatonin seems to be, to date, the best ingredient to improve sleep onset time and promote sleep. This hormone, also called the sleep hormone, regulates our day/night cycles. It has been proven that a deficit in the production of melatonin by our body can be the cause of sleep disorders. Melatonin supplementation can make it easier to fall asleep and a dosage of 1.9mg is recognized for its effectiveness. 4 drops of our Melatonin helps to anticipate, 30 minutes before bedtime, to promote good sleep.
A solution for jet lag
During a trip, jet lag generally disrupts our internal clock and this has a direct impact on the production of melatonin, which is out of phase with our day-night rhythm. The consequence ? Sleep does not come when we should sleep and is felt when we should be active. It is possible, thanks to Nutra with melatonin, to help our body find a good circadian rhythm by re-synchronizing and thus facilitate falling asleep. With its adjustable droplet intake, our formula allows an adapted dosage in case of jet lag with 2 drops or 0.95mg of melatonin.
When to take Melissa & Valerian Melatonin?
- Melatonin drops are taken 30 minutes before going to bed, to fight jet lag or to make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep.
How many drops?
- Children: Not recommended.
- Teenagers: Not recommended.
- Adults: Up to 4 drops per day.
Duration of a shot
- Melissa & Valerian Melatonin is taken occasionally as needed.
How to get your drops ?
- To be taken directly under the tongue, or possibly in a small glass of water.
Duration of a vial
- A bottle of Melissa & Valerian Melatonin covers between 100 and 200 days of intake.
Precautions of use
- To be consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
- Do not exceed the recommended daily doses.
- Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- Do not administer to children under 18 years of age.
- For people under medical treatment (antidepressants, sleeping pills or other sedatives): ask your doctor for advice.
- Prolonged use not recommended.
- May cause drowsiness.
- Do not drive after consuming.
Storage conditions
- Store in a dry place away from light and heat.
- Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients (mg) For 2 drops For 4 drops Melatonin 0,95 1,9 Extract of lemon balm* 300 600 Extract of Passionflower* 1 2 Extract of Valerian* 0,5 1 *Equivalent dry plant
Ingredients: Water, Stabilizer: vegetable glycerin, Lemon balm leaf dry extract (Melissa officinalis), Melatonin, Passiflora aerial part dry extract (Passiflora incarnata), Valerian root dry extract (Valeriana officinalis), Natural vanilla flavor, Acidifier: citric acid, Preservative: potassium sorbate.The French lack of sleep:
It's a fact, we sleep less and less. The data from Public Health France are formal and alarming: French people have fallen below the fateful bar of 7 hours on average per night. These data are supplemented by data from the INSERM sleep dossier (LINK: https://www.inserm.fr/information-en-sante/dossiers-information/sommeil): French people sleep on average 1h30 less than 50 years ago,
- 45% of 24-45 year olds consider that they sleep less than they need,
- 13% of 25-45 year olds consider sleeping a waste of time,
- 16% of the population is affected by chronic insomnia.
Through these observations going against our health, the Sleep Observatory organizes sleep days all over France, in order to raise awareness about the importance of sleeping well. Because even if it seems obvious, it is increasingly difficult to sleep: night work, stress, screens... All excuses are good for going to bed late and getting up early. Not to mention the social pressure that associates waking up at dawn with professional performance and fulfillment. (LINK: https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/laura-mabille/routine-matin-bien-etre-lever_a_21600369/).
Sleep : half of our health
Lack of sleep has direct consequences on our neuromotor functioning due to physical and mental fatigue [1]:
- School failure and professional difficulties,
- Inability to concentrate,
- Irritability,
- Anxiety and affected mood.
But that's not all. Behind these “felt” consequences also hide consequences that sometimes become more severe, with an accentuation of certain physiological risks:
- Metabolic disorders: obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases [2,3].
- Accelerated aging: inflammation and generation of oxidative stress [4–6] which could lead to a multitude of problems, some of which are visible quickly, such as the appearance of affected skin [7]
Melatonin : Central sleep hormone
Melatonin is also called the sleep hormone because it regulates our biological clock (circadian rhythm = daily rhythm), in particular the phases of wakefulness and sleep. It is our pineal gland (or epiphysis), located in our brain, which naturally secretes this hormone and signals to our body that it must enter the sleep phase. The secretion of this molecule is synchronized with the luminosity and presents a peak of secretion around 3-4 am. This is why it can also be called the “darkness” hormone. It is made by our body from an essential amino acid, tryptophan (via hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP) which is itself transformed into serotonin which will then become melatonin to finally pass into the bloodstream. This hormone therefore plays a central role in our chronobiological rhythm, and a sleep disturbance, explained by various parameters, often involves a disturbance in the secretion of melatonin [8]. A lack of melatonin makes us count sheep.
Two main factors mean that many people today do not produce enough melatonin:
- Age: melatonin secretion decreases naturally and continuously with age [9].
- Screens: brightness (especially blue light from screens) delays the secretion of melatonin. It takes more than an hour in a low-light environment and away from any screen for our body to understand that it is time to produce melatonin and fall asleep… [10,11]. This mania for screens triggers a veritable vicious circle: “I don't let go of my smartphone, I don't secrete melatonin, I'm not sleepy, I take my smartphone back to 'relax'...” Unfortunately, such a gross aberration than frequent.
And as mentioned above, in addition to these main factors, there is a dimension of irregularity in the rhythm of life that we impose on ourselves, sometimes making it difficult to set up a structured and repeatable secretion of melatonin.
How to get back to sleep ?
The science is therefore formal: it is necessary to act. There are three approaches to solving these sleep problems:
Grandmother's remedies (herbal tea, hot water bottle): pleasant and gentle but without guarantee of effectiveness.
The behavioral approach: banning screens at least 1 hour before going to bed, setting up a repeated "ritual" to prepare, in-depth work on stress, reorganizing workdays... It seems obvious, but complicated to apply.
Sleeping pills: more effective solutions, which the French use and abuse. The big problem with sleeping pills is that they are habit-forming. Consequence: if you have trouble sleeping and you start taking sleeping pills, you won't be able to do without them… [12].
The choice of Nutri&Co
Simple and practical, Nutri&Co Melissa & Valerian Melatonin is the ideal and effective solution to promote sleep and good sleep. Three strengths distinguish our formula:
1. A convenient ready-to-use format: :
With its liquid formula and dropper bottle, our Melatonin is very practical for easy use just before going to bed or on the go. The drops are deposited directly in the mouth and do not require a glass of water.
2. Adaptable dosage and rapid action:
Melatonin is the number 1 ingredient for sleep and a formula that targets sleep cannot do without its scientifically proven effectiveness. Depending on the need, our formula makes it possible to modulate the dosage of melatonin according to quantities recognized as effective:
- to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep: 4 drops deliver 1.9mg,
- to recover from jet lag: 2 drops deliver 0.95mg.3. An association with lemon balm, valerian and passionflower:
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) and passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.) are plants that have been known for over 2,000 years. Recognized by the scientific community for their action on relaxation, they also contribute to good sleep. In 4 drops of our formula, 600mg equivalent of lemon balm leaves, 1mg of valerian and 2mg of passionflower.
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- Ahmed, F.; Salim, F. Chapitre 8 - Sleep Deprivation, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation. Adv. Protein Chem. Struct. Biol. 2020, 119, 309–336.
- Oyetakin-White, P.; Suggs, A.; Koo, B.; Matsui, M.S.; Yarosh, D.; Cooper, K.D.; Baron, E.D. Does Poor Sleep Quality Affect Skin Ageing? Clin. Exp. Dermatol. 2015, 40, 17–22, doi:10.1111/ced.12455.
- Claustrat, B. Mélatonine et troubles du rythme veille-sommeil. Médecine Sommeil 2009, 6, 12–24, doi:10.1016/j.msom.2009.02.001.
- Karasek, M. Melatonin, Human Aging, and Age-Related Diseases. Exp. Gerontol. 2004, 39, 1723–1729, doi:10.1016/j.exger.2004.04.012.
- Wood, B.; Rea, M.S.; Plitnick, B.; Figueiro, M.G. Light Level and Duration of Exposure Determine the Impact of Self-Luminous Tablets on Melatonin Suppression. Appl. Ergon. 2013, 44, 237–240, doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2012.07.008.
- Chang, A.-M.; Aeschbach, D.; Duffy, J.F.; Czeisler, C.A. Evening Use of Light-Emitting EReaders Negatively Affects Sleep, Circadian Timing, and next-Morning Alertness. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2015, 112, 1232–1237, doi:10.1073/pnas.1418490112.
- ANSM Etat des lieux de la consommation des benzodiazepines en France; 2017; p. 60;.
- Costello, R.B.; Lentino, C.V.; Boyd, C.C.; O’Connell, M.L.; Crawford, C.C.; Sprengel, M.L.; Deuster, P.A. The Effectiveness of Melatonin for Promoting Healthy Sleep: A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the Literature. Nutr. J. 2014, 13, 106, doi:10.1186/1475-2891-13-106.
- Herxheimer, A.; Petrie, K.J. Melatonin for the Prevention and Treatment of Jet Lag. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2002, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001520.
Analyses Tick for yes Microbiologics x Heavy metals x Pesticides x Allergens Gluten HAP x Other EtO
Aquestion ?
Our experts answer all yourquestions.Why a melatonin formula in drops?
Because the liquid form is particularly suitable for 2 reasons:
Sublingual absorption (under the tongue) allows for rapid action, which is always desirable when trying to sleep.
Its use is particularly practical because it can be kept on the bedside table, unlike capsules which require a glass of water available.
But where did your vegetable melatonin go?
Unfortunately, it no longer exists due to a quality problem that has interrupted its supply. While waiting for science to find a reliable, validated but also affordable source, we offer you this synthetic alternative which is just as effective, but above all much cheaper!
Why this deposit in the bottle?
Our Melatonin formula contains plant extracts (lemon balm, valerian and passionflower). At rest, these extracts promote the appearance of a deposit. This is completely normal. Before taking the formula with the pipette, it is advisable to shake the bottle gently (if you shake too hard, foam will form) and/or to pipette several times with the pipette to homogenize the formula.
After how long do you feel the effects?
Ideally, take your melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime. This period of time will allow it to be absorbed and released into the blood to signal to your body the onset of the “sleep” phase. And take advantage of this time to get in shape: we turn off the screens, we relax, dim light etc.
Can I take it permanently?
Prolonged use of melatonin is in principle not recommended, even if doses less than or equal to 1.9mg have no listed side effects. If sleep disorders persist beyond 3 months, it is then recommended to consult a sleep specialist in order to find the underlying reasons behind your problem.
Can melatonin cause addiction?
This is its main advantage over sleeping pills, melatonin does not cause addiction. Melatonin is a natural substance already secreted by your body and taking up to 1.9mg/day does not cause addiction.
Will I have trouble waking up in the morning?
You will wake up naturally because taking melatonin only acts to initiate sleep and then gives way to your endogenous melatonin, that is to say the one secreted under the control of your own biological clock. Overall, melatonin does not have a “too strong” effect, like some sleeping pills.
Can I drive after taking melatonin?
It is absolutely not recommended to drive after consuming melatonin. The latter will trigger your sleep cycle in about 30 minutes and you therefore risk dozing off while driving. Melatonin is taken once you are in your pajamas and ready to go to bed.
I thought you needed a prescription for melatonin?
Melatonin effectively has both drug and dietary supplement status. It all depends on the dose! At less than 2mg, melatonin is considered a dietary supplement for sleep, with claims recognized by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), and is therefore available over the counter.
Some use tryptophan, serotonin or even GABA, what about?
Whether synthetic or extracted from griffonia (Griffonia Simplicifolia), tryptophan (griffonia L-5-HTP, or HTP) is an essential amino acid, precursor of melatonin. It is therefore often used to promote sleep, but once ingested it must still be transformed into melatonin. Its effectiveness therefore depends on its bioavailability, and may vary from person to person.
It's a bit the same story for serotonin, known as the happiness hormone. The latter is also a precursor of melatonin. Like tryptophan, it is not as effective as melatonin itself.
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an endogenous amino acid (produced by the brain) that acts as a neurotransmitter. In particular, it reduces neuronal activity in the brain. Its action is quite general, from relaxation to a moderate effect on the sensation of pain. We preferred plant active ingredients with targeted action for sleep.
Where do our ingredients comefrom?
Liquid formulationChambery, France
B-pharma is a French leader in the shaping of Nutraceutical products: powders, capsules or even liquid forms
Melatonine - NutralandChina
Manufacturing: China
Nutraland is a group established in California since 2011. Their main strength is their R&D capacity in the formulation of nutraceutical ingredients, an approach rooted in demanding quality and innovation processes.
Lemon Balm, Passionflower and Valerian - PlantexSaint Michel sur Orge, France
Place of cultivation: China, South America, EU and Netherlands - Extraction: Saint Michel sur Orge, France
With 25 years of experience, the French company Plantex has established itself as a reference in terms of plant extracts. Authenticity, efficiency and innovation are the hallmarks of its commitment to its customers.
Glycerin - BelgosucEU
Rapeseed origin: Australia and Russia - Manufacturing: EU
Belgosuc is an expert company specializing in the manufacture of natural sugars. This group aims for excellence in its ingredients, from innovative development to impeccable quality assurance.