
Magnesium : the second deficiency in the West !


Magnesium illustration

A little tiredness ? Stress and insomnia ? The hottest remedy : a magnesium cure ! But what is magnesium ? What is it used for ? What is the difference between the different offers on the market ? What criteria should be used to choose the best product ?

What is magnesium used for ?

A simple body of the family of metals, it is listed in number 12 of the Mendeleïev's periodic classification of elements table.

Our current way of life encourages deficiencies. The food, too refined and processed, contains little or no magnesium. Stress depletes reserves. In addition, 18% of the population is affected by the genetic presence of the HLA B35 allele, which is responsible for lower magnesium retention.

How to choose your magnesium ?

Magnesium deficiency

Remember that magnesium is an ion that needs to be grafted to a transporter to stabilize it and pass, from the intestine, into the blood plasma. This is called absorption. The different types of carriers can be classified into three main families :

  • First generation carriers such as marine oxide and magnesium. These salts have a high elemental magnesium content (up to 60%), but according to specialists, their absorption remains low and digestive comfort is not guaranteed.
  • Recent studies (2014), advocate the advantages of the so-called second generation salts: chelates. Bisglycinate, Malate, taurinate or citrate compensate for a lower magnesium content (about 12%) by a higher level of absorption and generally good digestive comfort.
  • In 2017, the Italian company Alesco s.r.l. released the first liposomal magnesium (UltraMag®). This new generation salt is the only one that combines high content (32%) and high absorption (20% higher than 10 chelates) while guaranteeing unfailing digestive comfort. The guys did the impossible !

First high content and high absorption formula

Despite the success of our old 100% chelate formula, many of you wanted a higher elemental magnesium content. It is by seeking to meet your expectations that we have found the UltraMag® from Alesco. Our new formula is therefore based on this new molecule.

Magnesium malate and taurinate (ATA-Mag®) complete our mix with their ability to reach hard-to-reach tissues such as cognitive cells.

Finally, it should be noted that despite the improvements made and the prohibitive cost of the UltraMag®, our price remains unchanged (19.90€). For the same quantity, we are on average the best high assimilation/low content formulas based on second generation carriers.

Quality magnesium

AuteurBastien ChapignacLinkedInNaturopath
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AuteurBastien ChapignacLinkedInNaturopath

Naturopath, but with a solid rational soul, Bastien Chapignac likes to combine science and naturalness in order to offer holistic ways for a better quality of life.

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